When the Chem-Crew is looking for a refreshing dish in this ridiculous 90-something degree weather in Los Angeles, our first choice is definitely some traditional Korean dishes at Hamhung Restaurant. It's in the heart of Korea-Town and close to Downtown Los Angeles, so its pretty much perfection.
The famous Korean dish: Bibimbap is at its most original form served on a stone dish which keeps the dish hot and cooking as you eat it with Korea's famous chili paste mixed into the entire dish. It's one of our designers, Jessica's favorite dish at Hamhung.
This is the broth they're also famous for. It's hot and flavorful which goes along side with any dish you order here at Hamhung.
Our other designer Eddy is obviously intrigued that they play soccer at this place.
Some of the side dishes that come along complementary to your dishes.
For those of you who aren't informed of Korean restaurants, they always give a verity of complementary side dishes to go along-side the dish you have ordered. These side dishes are also re-fillable throughout your whole stay at the restaurant. Some restaurants have staple side-dishes that never change, but Hamhung's other specialty is that you won't ever know what you'll get when you go in there since they change up their side-dishes all the time.
Their Spicy Nengmyun is a definite staple dish that the traditional restaurant has kept for years.
Hamhung serves an amazing dish of Korean BBQ for those meat lovers as well. It's Eddy's favorite dish here.
We've told you that Chemistree's official website is on it's way haven't we? Well, today we had a mini photo session so that our customers may get a better view of the T-Shirt's quality and colors. Be ready for those.
Yes, that's our ghetto green screen that we hand-made. But we've all gotta start somewhere right?
Everyone get your Chemistree shirts today. These are limited edition T-Shirts and won't ever be out the same again so get your own today before we run out. Also, visit The Red Eye Flight's website, we'll release some of our T-Shirts on there as a pre-game this weekend. Also, check out the other appreciated brands Red Eye provides.
Visit our Facebook page, and tell all your friends about Chemistree.
Stickers are also still on sale, but you'll get free stickers with a Chemistree T-Shirt purchase. E-mail us at chemistree92@gmail.com
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