Wednesday, August 31, 2011



How does the Chem-Crew give their fixes a paint job? Here's a first hand's look:

Step 1: Lay out old newspaper so you don't spray paint your garage floors and mess it up.


Step 2: Cover up all parts you don't want paint to get on with newspaper and lay down the bike without all the pieces you do not want to paint already screwed off. Now slowly take whatever color you choose (we chose matte black) and simply go over the frame with a good layer of paint. Try to spray paint the bike with one equal coat all around. You don't want those ugly drips now do you?

Finished product?

Please keep up with events from Chemistree throughout the week on the Facebook page. We will have a special event for the grand opening of our website soon, along with the first shipments of T-Shirts. We will have Paul's Tale, Moondog, and Scopes Trial for the first batch of shirts in sizes Small, Medium, Large, and X-Large.
We are taking pre-orders right now, so if interested in the shirts listed above please e-mail us at and we guarantee that you will be our first priority!

"Learn Something"